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Energy Leadership 
 Assessment & Debrief

Know  yourself 


 Has a recent situation left you feeling exhausted, disconnected from yourself, and uncertain where to go from here?


Have you been wanting to make big changes at work, but you’re unsure where to start or which direction to go?


Are you currently in a toxic work environment that’s left you lacking confidence and doubting every move you make?


Are you ready for a new outlook, a perspective shift, and a fresh start?

I feel you.  I’ve been there.


As much as you want to find a fix for all the stuff happening around you. 


As much as you want the people around you to change, to act and be different. 


As much as you hope things will miraculously change if you get a new job, take another vacation, or focus on more self-care,


Those things won’t get you out of this, not permanently.

If you want to make a lasting change, you get to start with yourself.


You get to start with taking stock of where you are right now, how you’re showing up and moving through the world.


You get to start with coming back to you.


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Because the key to finding lasting fulfillment in any job, relationship, or endeavor is NOT about everyone and everything else, it’s about staying true to yourself.


And before you can stay true to yourself, you need to really get to know yourself by asking the deeper questions and giving yourself the gift of really sitting with those questions long enough to hear your answers.


So let’s do just that. 


The Energy Leadership Index Assessment



Using the Energy Leadership Index assessment combined with my experience with leading teams and coaching high-performing, people-focused leaders, we’ll quickly get you crystal clear on where you are right now, your perspective, your attitude, your reaction to stress, so you know exactly where you’re starting from. Through this process, you’ll ground yourself into the vision of the life you most desire and gain a deep level of self-awareness of so you can seek out opportunities that best support your next steps.

What you’ll get

You’ll start with a 30 min online assessment which will provide the details for your customized ELI assessment report.

Then you’ll sit down for a 90 min debrief and clarity call with me.


I’m an iPEC certified professional coach, ELI Master Practitioner, pristine listener, unconditional supporter, and enthusiastic cheerleader.

In this call, we’ll dive deep into your assessment results, identify and explore your leadership profile, clarify where you’re putting your energy and focus, better understand how you react to stress, and determine your next best steps toward being the leader you’re meant to be and living the life you’re meant to lead.


You’ll leave with insights, clarity, a plan, your report results, and a recording of our call so you can rewatch for new nuggets of wisdom each time you listen.


And best of all, you’ll be equipped with the awareness of who you are being in this now moment. With this . . . 


You can make decisions about how you want to be so you can create the life, the team, the partnership, the family you most desire.

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